Hey good people, I just want to wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season. I am visiting my parents in Little Rock Arkansas and if you have been watching the weather, you know we are having one hell of a snow storm...YES!! A White Christmas for me...I am having the best time ever...we have had no power for two days and still don't have any...I can't travel back to Kansas until the roads clear..awwwww! My dad has to work from home and my mom is off...due to the inclement weather...So they have been home with me...YEAH!!! We are doing the happy dance...Since my parents get a kick out of having the most up to date technology, I get to update my blog, surf the net and watch the portable TV (only a few channels, but HEY)...and the fire place is going for warmth. We used the snow to keep some drinks and potatoe salad cold. See pics below...Back to the card I have posted...yesssss, it's me. My favorite digi artist Robert Jackson is the creator. He will draw a digi stamp in your image at your request, just email him. Anywhooo, have a wonderful holiday season and enjoy life; it is such a blessing!
Front of house with my snow covered truck.
Me in backyard
By my truck measuring snow
Much love, Kinkybella